卷面总分:90分 答题时间:70分钟 试卷题量:45题 练习次数:0次
Fifty cases of Green Tea you sent us were found to be badly damaged. This was apparently attributable to ____ packing.( )
We trust you will do your best to have this matter __________ right away.()
By joint efforts we can ___ both friendship and business.( )
We ___ you for the special offer you send us.( )
We are looking forward to ___ your L/C for Order No 123.( )
This is our best price, ____ which we have concluded many orders with other buyers in your city.( )
As it involves only a small ___ , we hope you will have no difficulty on promotion.( )
Our payment terms (付款方式)are ___ , irrevocable letter of credit for the full invoice value.( )
Since the premium varies with the scope of ____ extra premium is for buyer ' s account, should additional siske covered?( )
Please see to it that the goods we ordered are shipped as soon as the covering letter of credit ____ you.( )
We shall advise you by cable as soon as the goods ____ .)
According to the shipping _____ it will be impossible for us to ship the goods in October.()
This offer is firm, subject to your immediate reply ____ should reach us not later tha n the end of this mon th.( )
We cannot entertain your suggestion ________ it does not seem workable.()
____ your in formati on, we have received a crowd of enq uiries from buyers in other directi on s.( )
We en closed our Purchase Co nfirmation No. 4848__in__ duplicate^ ) 一式两份 in triplicate (一式三份 )
We cannot _____ present entertain any fresh orders for Younger Bra nd Me n's Shirts.()
___ you like other items, kin dly let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers direct.()
Gen erally we cover in sura nee __ defi nite ( 明确的 ) in structi ons from our clie nts.()
Welodge ( 声明) a claim _______ you _____ the short--weight.()
Can you offer us machine tools ___ the following specification?
To trade ____ the people of all eoun tries ____ the basis of equality and mutual ben efit is our established policy.
Please make sure that the stipulations in the L/C are ______ exact accorda nee ___ the terms of the Sales Con tract.
We shall certai nly con tact you, as soon as we are ____ a positi on to en terta in new bus in ess in your district.
We note from your letter of September 10th that you are interested ____ walnut meat.
0w ing ____ unu sual shortage of stock, this offer is made, subject to the goods being un sold.
There is always a ready market ____ Sewing Machi nes, provided they are ___ good quality and competitive in price.
We shall can cel the con tract if you fail to ope n the relative L/C ____ the end of this year.
We shall ope n an L/C ____ you favor _____ Barclay's Bank here ___ the exte nt of 15000.
lt is n ecessary ___ you to comply with our shipp ing in structi ons.
We refer ___ you letter of May 2.
lt is our sin cere hope that you will direct your efforts __ the promotion of this new product in your market __ our mutual ben efit.
We shall be glad to receive you offer ___ walnut meat, shipme nt,____ September/October; _____ tran sshipme nt at Hongkong.
We prefer Chi nese bicycles __ Japa nese bicycles ___ their fine quality.
Will you send us _____ return mail pamphlets and price list ____ your exports?
翻译:We would like to in form you that at prese nt we can supply you with various ki nds of me n's leather shoes.
翻译:As we said previously, it is only in view of our long friendly relations that we extend you this accommodation
翻译:f you make us an offer at competitive prices we can sell a large quantity of chemical product in our district.
翻译:We advised you in our letter of Dec.1, that we would like to place a trial order with you for 50 pieces Flying Pigeon Bicycles.
翻译:After reinspection at the port of destination, the quality of the goods shipped ex S.S. “ Red Star ” un der Con tract No. CT7543 waotfiou nd n complia nee with the con tract stipulatio ns.
翻译:We wish to call your attention to the validity of the L/C, since there is no possibility of L/C exte nsio n.
翻译:We send you a brochure on the various kinds of bicycle now available for export
翻译:Please advise us whether you iron nail packed in plywood kegs of 60kgs ,net and whether you can ship our order from stock.
翻译:Si nee the premium varies with the scope of in sura nee, extra premium is for buyer's aeeo unt, should additi onal risks be covered.
翻译:We shall be glad to ship the goods by a direct steamer to Van eouver within 30 days after reeeipt of you L/C.