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We shall certai nly con tact you, as soon as we are ____ a positi on to en terta in new bus in ess in your district.

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翻译:We shall be glad to ship the goods by a direct steamer to Van eouver within 30 days after reeeipt of you L/C.


翻译:Si nee the premium varies with the scope of in sura nee, extra premium is for buyer's aeeo unt, should additi onal risks be covered.


翻译:Please advise us whether you iron nail packed in plywood kegs of 60kgs ,net and whether you can ship our order from stock.


翻译:We send you a brochure on the various kinds of bicycle now available for export


翻译:We wish to call your attention to the validity of the L/C, since there is no possibility of L/C exte nsio n.


翻译:After reinspection at the port of destination, the quality of the goods shipped ex S.S. “ Red Star ” un der Con tract No. CT7543 waotfiou nd n complia nee with the con tract stipulatio ns.


翻译:We advised you in our letter of Dec.1, that we would like to place a trial order with you for 50 pieces Flying Pigeon Bicycles.


翻译:f you make us an offer at competitive prices we can sell a large quantity of chemical product in our district.


翻译:As we said previously, it is only in view of our long friendly relations that we extend you this accommodation